Chilliwack school trustee Carin Bondar
Chilliwack school trustee Carin Bondar"Organisms Do Evolve" YouTube video

Neufeld optimistic after defamation trial for calling trustee a 'striptease artist'

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A former Chilliwack school trustee who raised controversy for his opposition to pro-transgender school materials is expressing optimism following a libel lawsuit against him.

The six-day defamation trial of Barry Neufeld wrapped up November 21 in Chilliwack. School board vice-chair Carin Bondar sued Neufeld for calling her a “striptease artist” during an hour-long internet talk show aired on September 21 2022 from Action4Canada.

Counsel for the plaintiff Susanna Quail and defence counsel Paul Jaffe presented arguments and cross examination of Neufeld and Bondar.

Bondar’s PhD dissertation focused on animal reproduction and led to an interest in popular science education. Her work has been featured worldwide on the Discovery Channel, the Science Channel, National Geographic, Scientific American and Animal One and racked up millions of views.

In a YouTube video entitled “Organisms do evolve,” Bondar swung from a wrecking ball in negligee and licked a sledgehammer. The video was posted nine years ago and has since been watched more than 371,000 times.

Neufeld did not refer to Bondar by name, but said that a candidate who failed to be elected has lost to a “striptease artist.”

In a newsletter, Neufeld said, “I can’t begin to express the satisfaction and relief that I experienced when I finally got the opportunity to take the witness stand in court and tell MY side of the story. Although the court case was not about SOGI 1-2-3, it was discussed frequently, because my principled opposition to gender ideology was obviously the underlying motivation for Bondar’s lawsuit against me."

"This was significant, because it is the first time lawyers have addressed the issues of SOGI 1-2-3 and comprehensive sex education in any Canadian court,” Neufeld said.

“My lawyer asked Bondar if she approved of the explicit and vulgar books in school libraries that parents were so upset about? She dodged the question by saying that as a trustee, she doesn’t get involved in the day-to-day operation of the schools."

"It is up to professional teacher librarians to decide what books go in the library. But he contradicted her by showing the Court a Ministry of Education directive that it is not the Ministry of Education and Child Care and NOT the teachers, but it is the Local School Boards that must approve all learning resources, INCLUDING SOGI 1-2-3!”

According to Neufeld, Bondar was shown a 2017 Government of B.C. document that clarified local school boards must approve all learning resources.

“After a futile argument that she doubted the authenticity of the document she finally conceded that she didn’t know that. She has been a trustee for less than two years.”

Despite having just endured a defamation trial, Neufeld was not shy to assess Bondar in unflattering terms in his newsletter.

“She dodged most questions by bragging, sneering, sulking, slouching, sarcasm and arguing with Mr. Jaffe: anything but a straight answer. At one point she exclaimed: ‘Have you ever Googled my name? I am famous!” Neufeld recalled.

“She forgot the reason for her lawsuit against me. She rarely looked at the judge, who she was supposed to convince of the righteousness of her complaint. Her activist lawyer, Suzanna Quail earned the nickname ‘Whack-a-Mole,’ because she was jumping up every few minutes crying ‘Objection, objection!’” 

Justice Michael Stephens heard the case and will release a decision. Neufeld thanked his supporters and suggested they outnumbered his court opponent’s.

“We may not hear Judge Steven’s decision for a few weeks or months. Bondar had very few supporters in court other than her common law partner, Peter Lang who two years ago also tried to sue me. (Unsuccessfully!) I am surprised that none of her woke colleagues on the school board showed up,” Neufeld said.

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